The Benefit of Trees
Trees provide many benefits to people and the communities they live in.
Having trees on your property offers many benefits.
· A windbreak for cold winter winds resulting in lower heating costs
· Shade to cool your home resulting in lower cooling costs
· Added value to your property by creating a more aesthetically pleasing landscape
· Privacy and reduction of street noise
· Habitat for birds and other wildlife helping to support our local ecosystems
In our community, trees have many benefits as well.
· A more attractive environment for shoppers in downtown commercial areas
· Rainwater runoff and erosion control by tree roots by keeping sediment and chemicals out of sewers and local waterways
· Reduction of summer heat intensity on sidewalks by creating a cooling effect with shade and breaking up urban “heat islands” (Trees also serve as nature’s umbrellas protecting pedestrians from rainfall.)
· Release of oxygen from leaves and filtration of the air when tree leaves remove dust and other particulate matter
· Extraction of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere
· Support for local ecosystems
Native Trees
Consider planting a native tree the next time you want to add or replace a tree on your property. Native trees are trees that are indigenous to an area, that is they are naturally found in a geographic location without having human introduction.
By planting native trees, you are helping local wildlife survive. Animals like birds and insects have accessed native trees for years for food and shelter. When there aren’t enough native trees around, these populations can quickly decline. Our neighborhood native trees support our local ecosystems.
Native trees are also well-adapted to a specific local environment, which gives them the best chance at survival. While non-native trees might not do well up against local pests, native trees often don’t have as many pest problems. Native trees also require less water. This is important during our frequent episodes of summer drought.
The Borough of Caldwell has a community tree plan to ensure the preservation, maintenance, protection and planting of trees. The plan was developed by the Caldwell Environmental Commission and adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Caldwell. If you plan to remove a tree from your property be sure to abide by Caldwell’s Tree Removal Ordinances. In accordance with the community tree plan “No
person shall cut down or remove any ornamental tree of a diameter of three inches or more measured at a height of four feet above the ground, nor any other tree of a diameter of six inches or more measured at a height of 4 1/2 feet above the ground without a tree removal permit granted 10 business days in advance.” (Ordinances 1118-02 & 1168-06) A permit can be obtained from the town clerk at Borough Hall or printed from the website listed below.
To encourage residents to plant native trees, the Caldwell Environmental Commission has sponsored a number of native tree workshops and tree give-aways. Last fall Michael Falciola, arborist representative from Bartlett Tree Experts presented a talk on “CLIMATE CHANGE: Recent Weather Patterns and their Impact on our Plants” and offered free native swamp white oaks and black gum trees to the program participants.
Here is a list of native trees from Rutgers Cooperative Extension NJAES Fact Sheet FS1140.
Common Name Latin Name Soil Type Sunlight Height & Growth
Common Name Latin Name Soil Type Sunlight Height/Growth
American Elm Ulmus americana 'Princeton' Average Full sun 100 ft., rapid
American Holly Ilex opaca Average Full sun-pt. shade 30 ft, slow
American Hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana Average-moist Full sun-pt. shade 30 ft., slow
Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum Dry-moist Full sun 100 ft., rapid
Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginiana Average Sun-pt. shade 40–60 Ft, slow
Eastern Red Oak Quercus rubra Average-moist Full sun-pt. shade 80 ft., moderate
Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis Average Sun-pt. shade 30 ft., moderate
Eastern White Pine Pinus strobus Average Sun-pt. shade 100 Ft, rapid
Flowering dogwood Cornus florida Average Pt. Sun-shade 30 Ft., moderate
Pawpaw Asimina triloba Average Sun-pt. shade 25 ft., slow
Pin Oak Quercus palustris Acid, avg-moist Full sun-pt. sun 70–90 ft., rapid
Red Maple Acer rubrum Dry-moist Sun-pt. shade 40–60 ft., rapid
River Birch Betula nigra Average-moist Full sun-pt. sun 40–60 ft., rapid
Sugar Maple Acer saccharum Average-moist Sun-pt. shade 60–70 ft., slow
Tree City Program
The Tree City USA program has been greening up cities and towns across America since 1976. It is a nationwide movement that provides the framework necessary for communities to manage and expand their public trees.
Caldwell is one of 162 towns in New Jersey that participate in this program. They have achieved Tree City USA status by meeting 4 standards of sound urban forestry management: maintaining a tree board or department, having a community tree ordinance, spending at least $2 per capita on urban forestry and celebrating Arbor Day. Caldwell has participated in this program for 21 years.
Tree City Awards