
The Planting Native Trees Project

The Planting Native Trees Project developed by the Caldwell Environmental Commission encouraged people to plant native trees to combat climate change and to help stem the decline of pollinators.    Members of the West Essex Ministerial Association collaborated on this project - St. Aloysius Green Team, Notre Dame Green Team, and Agudath Israel Environmental Committee. Caldwell Environmental Commission provided an educational experience on the value of trees and how to properly plant a tree.   Youth Groups connected to the houses of worship as well as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, ecology and Key clubs of the JCHS and Middle School were invited to learn the value of trees and how to plant them correctly on Friday May 20th.  


This project would not have been possible without the financial support of the Kiwanis of Caldwell and West Essex, in particular President-Elect Jessica Almedia.    Members of the Caldwell Environmental Commission provided the educational materials. Reusable bags provided by the New Jersey Clean Communities funding for Caldwell were distributed with environmental suggestions and tree planting procedures..   Bartlett Tree Experts provided the tree planting workshop and Pinelands Direct Native Plants provided the wonderful trees. Residents of local towns that have new redbud tree plantings include Caldwell (9), West Caldwell (2), Little Falls (1) and Montville (2).

Submitted, Ann Marchioni & Steve Flack, Co-Chairs, Caldwell Environmental Commission